Five-Year Financial Plan and Budget 2025: Planning and Approval Process

Each year, the City prepares a five-year financial plan outlining projects and spending that will occur during that period and describes how the City will pay for them. The City strives to maintain a thriving community while keeping taxes affordable for businesses and homeowners.

The planning and approval process for the 2025 Five-Year Financial Plan and Budget 2025 is currently underway. Below are the details of past and upcoming meetings, including links to Council presentations and related staff reports. The public is welcome to provide feedback throughout the process by sharing your thoughts or asking questions below.

Please note that future meeting dates are tentative and will be confirmed closer to the date.

Meeting #1: Revenue Policy Overview - November 18, 2024

City CFO Krista Waite presented information on the City's primary revenue sources and requested direction from the Council. This meeting marked the initial step in preparing the 2025-2029 Five-Year Financial Plan.

Meeting #2: Capital/Non-Capital Project Plan - January 20, 2025

City CFO Krista Waite presented the proposed 2025-2029 Capital and Non-Capital projects, which Council approved for inclusion in the 2025-2029 Five-Year Financial Plan.

Meeting #3: 2025-2029 Operating Budget Presentation - March 3, 2025

City CFO Krista Waite presented the 2025 - 2029 Operating Budget and requested Council input. The meeting was streamed live on YouTube.

What's next?

Property Tax Notices will be mailed once the 2025-2029 Five-Year Financial Plan is adopted. The deadline to pay your 2025 Property Tax Bill is Wednesday, July 2, 2025.

Thank you to all residents for participating in this year's 2025-2029 Five-Year Financial Plan and Budget planning process.

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Krista Waite

Chief Financial Officer

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