Housing Availability and Affordability Zoning Amendment

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Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2722 was adopted by Council on September 26th, 2022, implementing multiple amendments to Kimberley Zoning Bylaw 1850. The intent of the bylaw is to support the development of a greater supply and variety of housing toward improved housing availability and affordability throughout the community.

A Public Hearing for the proposed Bylaw 2722 was held on Monday, September 12th, 2022, which is available for viewing on the City of Kimberley’s YouTube channel.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2722 builds on policy directions from Kimberley's Official Community Plan, the 2021 Kimberley Housing Needs Assessment and Council direction

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2722 was adopted by Council on September 26th, 2022, implementing multiple amendments to Kimberley Zoning Bylaw 1850. The intent of the bylaw is to support the development of a greater supply and variety of housing toward improved housing availability and affordability throughout the community.

A Public Hearing for the proposed Bylaw 2722 was held on Monday, September 12th, 2022, which is available for viewing on the City of Kimberley’s YouTube channel.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2722 builds on policy directions from Kimberley's Official Community Plan, the 2021 Kimberley Housing Needs Assessment and Council direction from the Building Height and Density Report.

The amending bylaw received 1st reading by Council on June 27th, 2022 and 2nd reading by Council on August 22nd, 2022.

Overview of Zoning Bylaw 1850 Amendments

A brief overview of the amendments is listed by zone and general/parking regulations below.

Changes to more technical aspects of the bylaw include amendments to allowable floor space ratios (FSR) and stepback requirements. For ease of reference these terms are explained below.

Floor space ratios are a measure of how much floor area can be built on a parcel as a ratio of the parcel area. The diagram below illustrates the application of floor space ratios according to different building designs.

Stepbacks are proposed to limit the height of buildings in the R-2, R-3, C-1, and CP-1 zones, depending on how close they are to a property line. By requiring that a building’s height is shorter near property lines and can increase further into a parcel, negative effects on the pedestrian environment and shadow effects due to building massing can be mitigated. The diagram below illustrates how stepbacks would be measured.

R-1 Zone Amendments:



Number of Units

Single Primary

Single and Duplex Primary & 1 Accessory

Parcel Area



275m2 for Subdivided Duplex


Up to 9.1m

9m Single, 12m Duplex


6m Front

6m Rear

1.5m Interior Side

3m Exterior Side

2m Front

3.5m Rear

1.5m Sides

Site Coverage


0.4 SC – 1 Dwelling

0.5 SC - 2 Dwellings

0.6 SC - 3 Dwellings

R-2 Zone Amendments:



Number of Units

Single and Duplex Primary & 1 Accessory to Single

1-6 Unit Dwelling Primary & 2 Accessory

Up to 10 w/ Affordable Housing Agreement

Parcel Area


325m2 for Subdivided Duplex


150m2 for Subdivided Duplex & Townhomes


Up to 9.1m

9m Single, 12m Duplex or Multiple


6m Front

6m Rear

1.5m Interior Side

3m Exterior Side

1.5m Front

3.5m Rear

1.5m Sides

Site Coverage


0.4 – 1 Dwelling

0.5 - 2 Dwellings

0.6 - 3 Dwellings

0.65 - 4+ Dwellings

0.75 - 4+ w/ Integrated Parking

Floor Space Ratio


0.5 FSR – 1 Dwelling

0.6 FSR - 2 Dwellings

1.0 FSR - 3 Dwellings

2.0 FSR - 4+ Dwellings

2.0 FSR - 4+ w/ Integrated Parking

R-3 Zone Amendments:



Number of Units

Based on Parcel Area and Usable Site Area

Remove Dwelling Unit Maximums


Up to 12m

Up to 12m

Up to 15m with Affordable Housing Agreement


7.6m Front

6m Rear

6m Sides

1.5m Front

2m Rear

1.5m Sides

Site Coverage



Floor Space Ratio



5.0 with Affordable Housing Agreement

C-1 Zone Amendments:




Up to 12m

Up to 15m

Floor Space Ratio

Up to 3.0

Up to 3.0

Up to 5.0 with Affordable Housing Agreement

CP-1 Zone Amendments:




Up to 10m

Up to 15m

Floor Space Ratio


Up to 3.0

Up to 5.0 with Affordable Housing Agreement

General Regulations Amendments:





20% of all parcels

40% of undeveloped space of Residential parcels

Vegetation and Permeable Surface requirements

Retaining Walls


Reflects Alpine Zoning Area requirements

Amenity Space


3m2 per dwelling for R-2 & R-3 multiple unit dwellings

Permitted in All Zones


Parks & Public Utility (moved from zones)

Home Based Business (Classification 3)



Lighting orientation directed into lot

Intersection Visibility

1.5m x 1.5m from intersection & 1.2m in height

3m x 3m distance intersection, 1m in height & allowance for non-visibility obstructing structures


1.2m front, 2.15m all other

2.15m all yards

Clarification Provided

General Modernization of Language

Density, Subdivision, Development Permit Language

Parking Regulations Proposed Amendments:



Required Parking Spaces

Based on unit type:

2 per Single & Duplex

1-2 per multiple

1 per Accessory

1 per B&B + 2 per principal

1 per dwelling unit

1 per B&B + 1 per principal

Parking Location


6m from intersection

5m setback for enclosed parking abutting highway

Bicycle Parking

2 per unit in buildings with 3 or more units

2 per unit in buildings with 2 or more units

Strengthened bicycle parking area requirements language