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Housing Availability Zoning Amendment

While I do support the need for an increase in housing availability I do not support some of the proposed changes to existing R1 R2 zoning. I feel making changes to current zoning after people have made informed financial decisions when choosing where to construct and purchase their homes is unfair. I live next to a newly completed development that started as a proposed 47 lot residential with a planned area of 2.3 acre for Senior housing, 1.4 acre Multi Family and an area for parkland. The development was completed with an increase in residential lots from 48 to 64 and the removal of the Seniors housing, Multi Family and Park land. I believe that if you are constructing a home with knowledge that the development plan includes Multi Family zoning and higher height requirements, set back limits and approval of smaller lots you can make an informed decision but feel it is unfair to do this after the fact. I also wonder if Kimberley can service the increase that these proposed changes will require.


Heather Gilmar

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